Rock the R is a week of tips, IG Lives and FREEBIES hosted on my Instagram page. You can catch replays of the Instagram Lives here! If you are wanting more R tips and freebies (can you ever really have enough??) then be sure to join my VIPs to get access to my freebie library and helpful emails!
Below I have linked the blog posts, resources, and freebies that were mentioned during Rock the R Instagram Lives. Please check them out and rock on, friends!

Day 1 : Kristin from Kiwi Speech
Resource: Articulation Puzzles & Brain Teasers
Blog: Top Strategies and Activities for Targeting Articulation with Older Students
Blog: Why You Need to Be Working on Tension in R Therapy (and How to Do it!)
Resource: Virtual Speech Rooms
Resource: Eliciting R (Speechy Things)
Resource: Articulation Battle Game for Carryover (Adventures in Speech Pathology)