R Goal bank

These goals are intended to serve as ideas so you’re not recreating the wheel. For more information on how to structure your goal, please refer to this ASHA article as well as any guidelines set by your employer/supervisor.

  • will accurately judge the accuracy of other’s production of R words (correct/incorrect) 
  • will accurately self-rate productions of R
  • will participate in self-rating productions of R words
  • will describe the anatomy of the mouth/articulators 
  • will describe appropriate tongue placement for R
  • will identify the beginning sound of R, L, W words 
  • will correct instances of gliding within a structured activity 
  • will reduce instances of gliding to # or fewer (allowing for self-correction) in a session
  • will participate in growth mindset activities/discussions
  • will follow verbal commands for phonetic placement
  • will accurately achieve placement for R
  • will achieve an approximation of appropriate tongue/lip/jaw placement for the R sound 
  • will produce an R approximation they self-rate as (#) or above on a scale of (#) to (#)
  • will participate in self-rating productions of R
  • will produce one variation of R at word level 
  • will produce one variation of R
  • will produce “ER” in isolation 
  • will produce final R in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce “postvocalic R + consonant” in words/phrases/sentences
  • will accurately produce every variation of intervocalic R in words/phrases/sentences
  • will accurately produce every variation of vocalic R in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce 3 variations of vocalic R in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce initial R in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce R blends in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce TR/DR in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce PR/BR in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce CR/GR in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce RL blends in words/phrases/sentences
  • will produce recurring R in words/phrases/sentences
  • will correctly produce R words when reading out loud
  • will correctly produce R words during structured conversation
  • will correctly produce R words in structured activity with  time constraint
  • will complete a speech therapy session with no more than # R errors
  • will report on home carryover
  • will report on home program follow-through 
  • will use R in X setting
  • will use R with X (friend/family member)
  • will complete daily log of self-reflection on R usage throughout their day

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