○ Have your students read the page out loud while practicing their best S or Z sound.
○ For added support, students may go through and highlight every S or Z so they know it’s coming.
○ You can also use this product as a phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination activity. Have them listen as you read and their job can be to tell you when they hear an S or Z.
○ Types of S included: initial, medial, final, S Blends
○ Types of Z included: initial, medial, final
○ Each type of S or Z includes one page each of word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, and structured conversation level practice
○ Every page of paragraph level practice is FILLED with that particular phoneme
○ There is also word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, and structured conversation level practice for both “S PALOOZA” and “Z PALOOZA!” (which is every form combined)
○ 8 total S & Z-heavy tongue twisters