Quick Artic : Activities for Articulation Therapy

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I have a little box I keep in my room filled with quick activities that are low-prep and fast to complete. I like to use them to break the monotony that sometimes characterizes articulation drill work. Several of them also work well to give kids little brain breaks during evaluations. Here’s a tour:


Classic Games


I especially use these for older kids (perhaps 6 or 7 and up). Here we have a cute magnetic travel version of checkers and tic tac to (Target dollar spot- of course), and a deck of cards– mostly used to play War.

I would like to add a few more travel sized games over time- particularly connect four!
(does anyone else get excited when they accidentally rhyme?)



A few finger sports for those competitive kiddos! Just make sure they are old enough for the fine motor skills- it can be tough.

Also- the football goals came with 3 so sometimes I will set them up and tape artic cards to the wall behind them. That way the kiddo can make a “field goal” (impressed with my own football knowledge) to select their next practice word.



These I use for those “middle” kids- about 4yo usually. We use the magnifying glass to search for our words and the key is MAGICAL for practicing /k/. For all those phono kids who front- go to Michael’s and buy yourself a $1 key. Then go “unlock” every door you can find with said key. They love it!



These goofy things are great for everybody! The rubber chickens were another dollar spot find- they’re little finger rockets. For older kiddos, you can use them to compete for the farthest chicken launch. For younger kiddos, they can try to catch the chicken (they are difficulty for young ones to fly). Giggles are included with purchase. 😉

And of course the classic crocodile dentist– fast and fun!
Any toy that builds such anticipation is a win.



Also pictured inside the box is a giant die- great for determining how many reps of a target word a kiddo will do.

And there you have it! Just a few ideas to add to your already stellar therapy supply. Variety is good for the kids but let’s be real… it’s also important for us. 😉

One more thing- be sure to come say hi on Instagram sometime! Or, better yet, get access to my freebie library as a VIP!


Happy artic-ing!

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Hi! I'm Lindsey!

I’m a pediatric SLP who specializes in the R sound. Fun fact- I actually used to dread the R but after dedicating a lot (like… a lot a lot) of time to researching and troubleshooting… I now love it! So much, in fact, that I currently spend my days treating “R kids” via my private practice and creating R resources and continuing education for SLPs via Speechy Things. I’m so glad you found me! Let’s “Rock the R” together!

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